US Trying to Display New Shape of Global Fascism: Iran’s DM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan slammed the US for its attempts to put forward a new form of global fascism that considers security as a matter of business, calling for a modern world order based upon distribution of power and rejection of hegemony.

While the world is in dire need of concerted action against terrorism, “Americans are trying to portray a new shape of global fascism with a new doctrine and the policy of commercialization of security to secure their future role in the international system,” the Iranian defense minister said in a speech to the 6th Moscow Conference on International Security (MCIS) on Wednesday.

He further called for a modern world order that entails a “joint global battle against terrorism, extremism, and violence; respect for the sovereignty of states and non-interference in their internal affairs; mutual respect, constructive dialogue and replacement of arms with logic and dialogue; and establishment and reinforcement of intra-regional bonds.”

The Iranian defense minister underlined that the new world order must also put an end to “the US belligerent strategies and destructive interference,” end “supports for terrorists by the US, Britain, Saudi Arabia and other supporters”, “recognize the Palestinian nation’s historic right to return to the occupied territories and allow them to decide their fate,” and have the “leading players and major providers of peace and security safeguard and support the continuation of democracy.”

As regards the Middle East conflicts, Dehqan underscored that the crises in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen would have no military solution, describing “internal dialogue without any foreign interference” as the only way out of the impasse.

The general finally reaffirmed Iran’s commitment to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a nuclear agreement between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany), stressing, however, that Tehran would seriously respond to any threat or act of intimidation by the US and other followers of hegemony.

Denouncing as “ludicrous and repetitious” the US rhetoric of “all options are on the table”, Dehqan said such policy could not be employed as a leverage to obtain political and military concessions.

On the escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula, the Iranian defense minister warned that military options for dealing with the crisis would have “devastating and global consequences.”

The Moscow conference is attended by 700 participants from 80 countries.

Counterterrorism and counterradicalism in the Middle East, security of information space, and security in Central Asia are in the spotlight of separate discussion sessions of the conference.