Over 56 Million Iranians Eligible to Vote in May 19 Polls: Official

Over 56 Million Iranians Eligible to Vote in May 19 Polls: Official

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The number of Iranian nationals eligible to vote in the upcoming elections is over 56 million, an Interior Ministry official announced.

Ali Asghar Ahmadi, the head of the Interior Ministry’s State Elections Committee, on Tuesday said a total of 56,410,234 Iranians can cast their ballots in the country’s 12th presidential vote and 5th City and Village Councils Elections, which are slated for May 19.

According to the law, he said, all Iranians born before or on May 19, 1999, can cast their ballots in the upcoming polls.

Ahmadi added that some 1.35 million of those eligible will be first-time voters who have turned 18 since the last nationwide elections, namely the February 2016 parliamentary polls.

In the parliamentary elections last year, he noted, the number of eligible voters stood at around 55 million.

On May 19, Iranians will cast their votes in more than 65,000 ballot boxes across the country.

According to election authorities, Iranian nationals residing abroad can also vote in more than 140 countries.

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