US, Saudi-Sponsored Terrorism Plaguing Region: Iranian Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A ranking Iranian commander slammed the US and Saudi Arabia for their support for terrorist activities that have wreaked havoc in the region and elsewhere.

“Today, we are witnessing the destructive outcomes of state-sponsored terrorism backed by Saudi Arabia, the United States and some (other) reactionary regional countries in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen and elsewhere, including in some European countries,” Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri said on Tuesday.

He further referred to the recent terror attacks in Tehran, noting that the Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) Takfiri terrorist group was behind them.

Undoubtedly, he said, Riyadh and Washington direct and support such acts of terrorism against regional countries.

Brigadier General Jazayeri went on to underline that the recent terrorist attacks and other hostile moves by the enemies cannot undermine the Iranian nation’s resolve to continue on the path of upholding the truth and fighting terrorism.

Terrorists launched simultaneous attacks on Iran’s parliament building in downtown Tehran and on the mausoleum of the late founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini, south of the city, on Wednesday morning.

The Daesh terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attacks, which killed 17 people and wounded more than 40. 

While condemnations of the attacks poured in from around the world, neither Saudi Arabia nor the US condemned the malicious acts of terrorism.