Palestinian Envoy Calls for High Turnout in Quds Day Rallies Worldwide

Palestinian Envoy Calls for High Turnout in Quds Day Rallies Worldwide

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A Palestinian Islamic Jihad representative in Tehran highlighted the importance of the upcoming International Quds Day, calling on Muslims around the world to use the opportunity to support the Palestinian nation against the Israeli regime’s racist acts.

Speaking at a press conference in Tehran on Monday, Nasser Abu Sharif highlighted the importance of massive participation in rallies marking the International Quds Day, which falls on Friday, June 23, this year.

He said the Palestinian issue is an important concern for all Muslims.

“The Zionist regime (of Israel) is committing crimes against the Palestinian people with all its power,” Abu Sharif said

“Therefore, we should raise awareness on this issue in Arab and Muslim countries and other countries.” he added.

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad calls on Muslims and other people around the world to massively participate in the ceremonies held on the occasion of the International Quds Day to voice their support for Palestine, the envoy further stated.

The International Quds Day is an annual event during which demonstrators express their solidarity with the Palestinian people and opposition to the occupation of the Palestinian territories by the Zionist regime of Israel.

The day is also seen as the legacy of the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini, who officially declared the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as International Quds Day back in 1979.

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