Iran’s Larijani Urges Some JCPOA Parties to Stop ‘Annoying Moves’

Iran’s Larijani Urges Some JCPOA Parties to Stop ‘Annoying Moves’

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani called on some parties to the 2015 nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), to remain committed to the agreement and refrain from making “annoying moves”.

Speaking at a meeting with Karlheinz Kopf, the second president of the Austrian National Council, in Tehran on Saturday, Larijani expressed his gratitude to Austria for the country’s “constructive role” in reaching the nuclear agreement between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, US, Britain, France, and Germany).  

However, he denounced some parties to the JCPOA for violating the agreement, saying, “The member states of the Group 5+1 (the five permanant UNSC members plus Germany) should remain committed to the deal and stop their annoying moves.”

Iran and the G5+1 reached a conclusion over the text of the JCPOA on July 14, 2015. The accord took effect in January 2016 and was supposed to terminate all nuclear-related sanctions against Iran all at once, but its implementation has been hampered mainly due to US policies.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Larijani hailed relations between Tehran and Vienna as “age-old” and said the trip of the Austrian delegation to Iran to attend the swearing-in ceremony of President Hassan Rouhani indicates the friendly ties between the two countries.

Kopf, for his part, praised bilateral relations as strong and said his country has always made efforts to boost its ties with the Islamic Republic.

The Austrian parliamentarian is among the high-ranking officials that have arrived in Tehran to attend the swearing-in ceremony for President Rouhani due to be held at the Iranian parliament later on Saturday.

Iran’s Interior Ministry has decided to raise security level at the Parliament to ‘critical’ during the inaugural ceremony.

Saturday has been declared a holiday in Tehran.

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