Lawmaker Highlights Hands Behind Rise of Daesh in Afghanistan

Lawmaker Highlights Hands Behind Rise of Daesh in Afghanistan

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – There are hands behind rise of Daesh (also known as ISIS or ISIL), an Afghan lawmaker said in a reference to growth of Takfiri groups east of Afghanistan.

The Afghan lawmaker, Abdulrahman Rahmani, in an interview with Tasnim accused the Afghan government of underestimating and ignoring growth of Takfiri groups in the country.

As regards evidence that proves Afghan government’s hand in supporting Daesh elements, he said the issue has been raised in the parliament and Senate.

People have provided evidence that shows unidentified helicopters’ support for the movements of Daesh (ISIS or ISIL) terrorists in some parts of the country, the Afghan MP noted.

He referred to the fact that the US avoids entering conflict with Daesh elements and said that the people of Khogyani district south of Nangarhar Province have repeatedly warned about Daesh activities in the region but US forces ignore the warning.

Additionally, Former president Hamid Karzai in an interview with Russian state-funded television network (RT) expressed concerns over the rise of Daesh militants.

"Daesh is a foreign-backed force intending to destabilize the region, particularly Central Asia, China and Russia," Karzai said.

According to reports, Daesh is engaged in fighting with the Taliban in several parts of eastern Afghanistan including Nangarhar province.

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