Iran: Hariri’s Resignation A New Scenario to Create Tension in Region

Iran: Hariri’s Resignation A New Scenario to Create Tension in Region

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran on Saturday said the resignation of the Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri is a new scenario hatched by the ill-wishers to create tension in Lebanon and region.

“Mr. Hariri’s sudden resignation and announcing it in another country is regrettable and at the same time surprising; it shows Hariri is playing in a field prepared by those who wish ill for the region, and the winner of this game is both Arab countries and the Zionist regime [of Israel] whose survival is contingent upon tension in and among Muslim countries in the region,” said Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qasswmi in a Saturday statement.

He said at a time when the life of ISIS and other terrorist groups in some regional countries is coming to an end, efforts should be made to calm the situation and repair the damage caused by terrorists trained and sponsored by the US and its regional allies and reconstruct the countries suffering from the ravages of years of war and destruction, the ministry website reported.

The spokesman rejected Hariri’s comments against Iran’s role in the region, saying, “The resigned Lebanese premier’s repetition of unfounded accusations levelled against Iran by the Zionists, Saudis and Americans bears witness to the fact that this resignation, too, is a new scenario to create new tension in Lebanon and in the region; but we believe that strong Lebanese people will easily pass through this phase, too.”

He said Iran has always wanted to see peace and stability in the Middle East countries and has defined its interests based on the security, stability and economic growth of all neighbouring and regional countries.

“Accordingly, top of Iran’s regional policies is to fight insecurity and instability as well as extremist and terrorist groups to ensure tranquility for all countries,” he added.

He concluded by saying that Iran and Lebanon enjoy good relations.

“As the Lebanese president highlighted the good political relations between the two countries and rejected any accusations of Iran’s interference in Lebanon, the Islamic Republic of Iran, too, has always respected Lebanon’s independence and [the necessity of] maintaining stability and tranquility, and has expressed its readiness to cooperate with the Lebanese government in areas of mutual interest,” the spokesman noted.

Hariri resigned on Saturday, saying in a televised broadcast he sensed a plot to target his life.

“We are living in a climate similar to the atmosphere that prevailed before the assassination of (his father the late prime minister) martyr Rafik al-Hariri. I have sensed what is being plotted covertly to target my life,” Hariri said.

Hariri became Lebanon’s prime minister late last year after Michel Aoun came to office as the country’s president.

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