Palestinian Group Urges Stronger Intifada against Trump’s Decision on Quds

Palestinian Group Urges Stronger Intifada against Trump’s Decision on Quds

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Movement Spokesman Davoud Shahab called for intensified opposition and intifada against the US decision to recognize Jerusalem (al-Quds) as capital of the Zionist regime of Israel.

Shahab pointed to the US Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to the region, and described it as “provocative and hostile”.

As regards Pence’s remarks at Israel Knesset, the spokesman said the remarks were radical, racist, hostile, full of lies and nonsense.

The Palestinian official also noted that Pence’s remarks were a “greenlight for Judaization of the West Bank”.

“We have no other choice but to intensify intifada (uprising) and resistance against the US decision on al-Quds (Jerusalem) and Israel’s policy of Judaization of West Bank,” Shahab said.

In the meantime, Chief negotiator for the Palestinian Authority Saeb Erekat derided Pence's speech for its controversial religious nature.

"The messianic discourse of Pence is a gift to extremists and has proven that the US administration is part of the problem rather than the solution," Erekat said, according to a tweet by the Palestinian Liberation Organization's negotiations affairs department.

"His message to the rest of the world is clear: violate international law and resolutions and the US will reward you," Erekat added.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian members of the Israeli Kenesst have been forcibly removed from the chamber after staging a protest at the start of Pence's speech.

Pence's visit to Israel, the last leg of a regional tour, was boycotted by Palestinian leaders following US President’s decision last month to declare Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

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