Syrian President Raps Chemical Attack Allegation as ‘Western Lie’

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syrian President Bashar al-Assad denounced allegations of chemical attacks by his government as part of Western lies, warning of the West’s ploys to revive terrorism in Syria under the guise of humanitarian initiatives.

The allegation of use of chemical weapons is a "mere blackmail" that the West resorted to strike the Syrian army, state news agency SANA quoted Assad as saying after a Sunday meeting with Iranian foreign minister's special assistant for political affairs, Hossein Jaberi Ansari.

Assad also said the Western media and political campaign against Syria under humanitarian titles is aimed primarily at "reviving terrorism and terrorists after the heavy blows they suffered."

"The talk about humanity according to the Western logic means one thing that the Syrian army is advancing," Assad said.

In fact, the US-led anti-terror coalition is supporting Daesh (ISIL) and al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front "with no shame," he deplored.

The Syrian president earlier stressed that the army will continue an offensive in Eastern Ghouta near Damascus.

“We will continue fighting terrorism... and the Ghouta operation is a continuation of fighting terrorism,” Assad said in comments to journalists broadcast on state TV.