Syrian Forces Push Deeper into Eastern Ghouta (Photos)

Syrian Forces Push Deeper into Eastern Ghouta (Photos)

DAMASCUS (Tasnim) – Syrian forces and their allies on Saturday pushed deep into the Eastern Ghouta district near Damascus, managing to reinforce their positions in several areas there.

According to Tasnim dispatches, Syrian forces continued to make advances in the eastern edges of Eastern Ghouta on Saturday and reinforced their positions there, after retaking Hawsh al-Salehiya, Hazarma, al-Nashabiyah and the hilltop of Tal Farzat.

The troops also liberated the town of Outaya.

A military source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the army troops plan to target remnants of Takfiri terrorists in southeast of al-Nashabiyah and fully cleanse the area from them.

The Syrian government forces are now busy defusing improvised explosive devices (IEDs) left behind by the militants in Hawsh al-Salehiya and Outaya, the source added.

In the past few days, Eastern Ghouta near Damascus has witnessed renewed violence with terrorists mounting repeated mortar attacks on the Syrian capital in the face of an imminent rout. Western powers, however, blame the Syrian government and Russia for the crisis.

The Syrian air force recently dropped millions of leaflets on the district informing civilians about a safe humanitarian corridor prepared for their evacuation under a Russian-proposed humanitarian pause.

The leaflets contained instructions for the citizens urging them to leave Eastern Ghouta through al-Wafideen Camp, according to the report carried by SANA on Friday.

Takfiri militants are under siege in Eastern Ghouta, along with an estimated 400,000 civilians.

On Sunday, The Russian military said militants based in the Damascus suburb have imposed a curfew during humanitarian pauses to prevent civilians from leaving the enclave.

The militants have also banned mass gatherings of civilians, Interfax quoted Russian Major-General Vladimir Zolotukhin as saying.

Russia has designated four safe passage routes in Eastern Ghouta after a ceasefire was declared across Syria by the United Nations Security Council.

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