Enemies Well-Advised Not to Test Iranian Nation’s Power: Defense Minister

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami highlighted the country’s military preparedness in the face of foreign threats and said the enemies are well-advised not to test the Islamic Republic’s power.

Addressing a ceremony held in the northwestern city of Tabriz on Tuesday to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Major General Ali Sayyad Shirazi, former deputy chief of staff of Iran’s Armed Forces, Brigadier General Hatami said Iran is a major regional power in terms of defense capabilities.

“Today, through domestic power, we can advance our goals and defend our security mightily,” the official added.

If anyone makes a mistake, they will be given a crushing response by Iranian youths, he warned, adding that the enemies are well-advised to never test the power of the Iranian nation.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei has on several occasions cautioned the adversaries that Iran’s response to any assault will not be confined to defense alone, but aggressors will face a crushing response.

In May 2015, Imam Khamenei made it clear that the Iranian nation will not let any possible act of aggression against the country go unanswered.

“The era of hit and run has ended” and the Iranian nation will chase aggressors, the Leader said at the time.