Global ‘Chaos’ Expected if West Bombs Syria Again: Putin

Global ‘Chaos’ Expected if West Bombs Syria Again: Putin

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Sunday that further Western attacks on Syria would bring “chaos” to world affairs.

In a telephone conversation with his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rouhani, the two presidents agreed that the Western strikes had damaged the chances of achieving a political resolution in the seven-year conflict in the Arab country, according to a Kremlin statement.

“Vladimir Putin, in particular, stressed that if such actions committed in violation of the UN Charter continue, then it will inevitably lead to chaos in international relations,” the Kremlin statement said, Reuters reported.

The Iranian president, for his part, said the "aggressive" US move to carry out military strikes against Syria revealed that Washington has direct ties with terrorists.

"The Americans showed such a reaction when they felt that the terrorists were dislodged from an important region like Eastern Ghouta," Rouhani said.

The US, Britain and France launched airstrikes against multiple places in Syria early Saturday following US President Donald Trump's order despite international warnings against further escalation of the situation in the Arab country and across the Middle East.

The US-led military coalition has accused the Syrian government of having allegedly attacked the militant-held town of Douma in the Eastern Ghouta region on April 7 and claimed that the Saturday air strikes had been aimed at deterring Syria's further use of chemical weapons.

"Unfortunately, at the same time with the new tensions in the region, the Zionist Regime has carried out new acts of aggression against the Palestinian people, and we should not allow a new tension to rise in the region,” Rouhani also said. 

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