Iran Parliament Marks Palestinian Prisoners’ Day

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s parliament issued a statement on Tuesday to pay tribute to thousands of Palestinians imprisoned by the Zionist regime of Israel.

In its statement, the permanent secretariat of the International Conference on Supporting Palestine’s Intifada (uprising) at the Iranian Parliament hailed the Palestinian Prisoners’ Day as an occasion that strengthens the unity of the Palestinian nation.

The statement further took a swipe at the Tel Aviv regime for imprisoning around 7,000 innocent Palestinians on bogus charges and for the harsh treatment of prisoners.

It also called on the international community, parliaments of countries, and non-governmental organizations advocating human rights and justice to push for an end to the Israeli crimes and for the liberation of all Palestinians illegally detained by Israel.

The statement came against a backdrop of reports that more than 1,000 Palestinians held in Israeli prisons have begun a mass hunger strike against detention conditions.

The action is reportedly being led by Marwan Barghouti, a Palestinian leader jailed by Israel for life.

There were about 7,000 Palestinians held in Israeli jails by the end of last year, according to Palestinian prisoners' groups.

The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) announced Tuesday that Israel has detained 1,928 Palestinians since the start of 2018, including 369 minors and 36 women.