IRGC: No Troops Killed in Clashes with Terrorists

IRGC: No Troops Killed in Clashes with Terrorists

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) denied media reports that a number of its forces have been killed in recent clashes with terrorist teams in northwest Iran.

In a statement on Tuesday, the IRGC public relations department denied as “bogus claims” the reports about the martyrdom of a number of its troops in the recent operations against terrorist teams in Oshnavieh and Sarvabad border areas, northwest of Iran.

“It seems that the anti-Revolution and puppet mercenaries of the global arrogance have been under delusion after the recent failure in achieving their ominous objectives, thus they are attempting to… distort the truth by releasing false and pre-fabricated reports in a delusional atmosphere with the purpose of appeasing their masters and raising morale of their pitiful and criminal forces,” the statement added.

It also made it clear that all of the IRGC servicemen engaged in the recent clashes with terrorist teams in northwest Iran are safe and sound, underlining that the job of detecting and countering the hostile moves of anti-Revolution groups goes on vigorously, regardless of the psychological war waged by the enemies.

It came after the IRGC Ground Force smashed three terrorist teams in Oshnavieh and Sarvabad border areas in only two days, killing 13 and injuring a number of others.

The IRGC is tasked with protecting the country’s northwestern and southeastern borders.

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