Yemenis Fire Ballistic Missiles at Saudi Defense Ministry

Yemenis Fire Ballistic Missiles at Saudi Defense Ministry

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Yemeni forces launched a ballistic missile attack against the Saudi capital Riyadh, a report said.

Yemen’s al-Masirah television said Borkan missiles were fired at the Saudi defense ministry and other key targets in the capital.

There were fire trucks and a heightened security presence in southwestern Riyadh’s diplomatic quarter following Sunday’s missile attack, which was at least the sixth on the capital since December.

The attack was the first to target Riyadh since the Saudi-led coalition launched an offensive on June 12 to capture Yemen’s Hudaydah port city.

The Saudi military claims to have intercepted the missiles.

The Houthi Ansarullah movement has fired salvos of missiles at Saudi Arabia in recent months, including the capital Riyadh, while the kingdom launched thousands of airstrikes on Yemen, killing hundreds of civilians at hospitals, schools and markets.

Riyadh frequently reports intercepting missiles fired from Yemen, but various reports have pointed out that US-made Patriot interceptors were repeatedly failing against the counterattacks.

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