Massive Protests against Trump, Separating Children from Parents (+Video)

Massive Protests against Trump, Separating Children from Parents (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Hundreds of thousands of people in the US took part in more than 700 marches to protest the Trump administration's separation of children from parents at the border with Mexico, as they want them reunited immediately.

Organizers estimate that 35,000 marched on the White House. 60,000 in Chicago, more than 70,000 in Los Angeles and 30,000 New Yorkers joined protests. Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, demonstrators chanted "Shame," braving extreme heat. Throughout the country, hundreds were arrested.

The US president Donald Trump signed an executive order on June 20 meant to quell outrage over the separation of families by housing parents and children together, for an indefinite period, in ad hoc detention centers. The order explicitly states that the authorities will continue to criminally prosecute adults who cross the border illegally.

Many of the more than 2,300 children separated from their migrant parents remain at makeshift shelters and foster homes. Although a federal judge in San Diego issued an order on Tuesday calling for the reunification of families separated at the border within 30 days, White House officials have said that following the ordered timetable would be difficult.



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