British Journalist: Over 600 Syrians Killed by White Helmet, Militants in Idlib

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A British journalist and political analyst reported that the so-called civil defense forces of White Helmets killed over 600 civilians in Syria’s Idlib in the past year.

“In Eastern Idlib, in an areas now liberated from Al Qaeda-led occupation, we interviewed an extended family about the number of children and adults kidnapped by both the terrorist groups and the White Helmets in the last 12 months, in Idlib. We were told over 600,” Vanessa Beeley wrote in her Facebook post.

“The little boy in the photo is Majid, with his grandmother. When I started to take his photo, he was terrified, started crying and clinging to his grandmother. We asked why, we interviewed his mother who told us that the terrorists had entered their home in Idlib with guns and the White Helmets with cameras. Since then, Majid associates the camera and the shutter sound with violence and brutality. This broke my heart,” Beeley who has traveled to Syria wrote about the condition of terrified civilians in the city.

She continued that she will have more interviews with people and the family members of the civilians who have suffered from the “extremist militant” rule and the White Helmets.