White Helmets Committing Terrorism in Name of Humanity: Syrian MP

White Helmets Committing Terrorism in Name of Humanity: Syrian MP

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A prominent Syrian lawmaker condemned the so-called humanitarian group White Helmets, known for their unique ability to stage false flag gas attacks, as “terrorists” and said they are stooges of Israel and the US.

The White Helmets are in fact terrorists who have entered Syria under the guise of humanitarian activities, while they have nothing to do with humanity, Jansit Qazan told the Tasnim News Agency.

They are commanders of terrorist stooges of Israel and the US and remind everybody of Antoine Lahad’s army, she said, adding that the White Helmets will have the same fate as that of Lahad’s.

Lahad was the leader of the South Lebanon Army (SLA) from 1984 to 2000, until the army withdrew from Southern Lebanon and was dissolved.

The lawmaker further emphasized that the true face of terrorists that have entered Syria under various names has been revealed and it is now clear that Washington and Tel Aviv have brought them to Syria to carry out terrorist operations.

The Syrian government on Monday condemned the evacuation of White Helmets, saying it was a “criminal operation” undertaken by “Israel and its tools”.

Jordan said on Sunday that the White Helmets had been evacuated from southwest Syria where Syrian forces are advancing against militants.

The Israeli military said that overnight it had completed what it called “a humanitarian effort to rescue members of a Syrian civil organization and their families ...due to an immediate threat to their lives”.

It said they were transferred to a neighboring country, which it did not identify.

On Saturday, Israeli security forces closed down roads in the occupied Golan Heights, on the Syrian frontier, ahead of the evacuation operation.

A Jordanian foreign ministry spokesman said the kingdom had allowed the UN to arrange the entry and passage of what he called 800 Syrian civil defense workers.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad described the White Helmets as "a branch of al-Qaeda and al-Nusra" militant groups and a “PR stunt” by the US, the UK and France.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the group claims to be a humanitarian NGO, but actually supports terrorists and covers up their crimes.

"The White Helmets not only feel at home on Jabhat al-Nusra and Daesh-controlled territories but openly sympathize with them and provide them with information and even financial support. How is that for double standards? There is documentary evidence of the White Helmets’ involvement in some of al-Nusra’s operations and cover-up over civilian deaths," she said.

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