Iran Says Terror Team in Ahvaz Attack Linked to Reactionary Arabs

Iran Says Terror Team in Ahvaz Attack Linked to Reactionary Arabs

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Intelligence Ministry released more details about the identity of perpetrators of a recent terrorist attack on a military parade in the city of Ahvaz, saying they were sponsored by certain reactionary Arab regimes.

In a statement on Monday, the Intelligence Ministry said it has discovered the identity of the 5-strong team that carried out Saturday’s terrorist attack in Ahvaz, saying they were affiliated with “Takfiri separatist groups under the aegis of reactionary Arab countries.”

The intelligence forces have stormed the whereabouts of terrorists and arrested 22 supporting elements and those involved in the fatal attack in Ahvaz, it added.

During the raids, ammunitions, military equipment and communication gear have been confiscated from the whereabouts of terrorists, the statement said.

It also said that foreign sponsors and masterminds of the terrorist attack have been identified, adding that more details will be released later.

While the military forces were on parade in Ahvaz on Saturday morning and people were watching the event, Takfiri militants opened fired on people in the gathering, killing 25 and injuring more than 60 others.

A senior spokesman for the Iranian Armed Forces said the four terrorists involved in the attack had hidden their rifles in the parade venue beforehand.

The Al-Ahvaziya terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

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