Manchester Police Assault Muslim Couple for Buying Extra Bottles of Water at Tesco (+Video)

Manchester Police Assault Muslim Couple for Buying Extra Bottles of Water at Tesco (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The shocking video shows the moment police dragged a couple to the ground and arrest them at a supermarket checkout after a row over how much water they were allowed to buy.

Customers watched in alarm as the Muslim man and his wife were alleged to have been wrestled to the floor at a Tesco's in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, before being hauled away.

The couple, Nasir Hussain and Mahira Hussain, both of Oldham, were charged with assault following the incident, according to Greater Manchester Police.

Greater Manchester Police say they have since received a complaint to their Professional Standards Branch following the incident.

The scenes followed claims that staff had refused to let them buy more than 20 bottles of mineral water when they brought a trolley-load of flavoured Volvic up to the counter, allegedly leading to an argument with a security guard, Daily Mail reported.

Following a reported dispute between the young man, a Tesco's employee and a police officer, the woman filmed her partner being restrained by the officer.

The woman was then hauled to the floor herself and arrested after allegedly trying to intervene, while a Tesco employee stood in the way of the camera.

Video filmed by the man's partner appears to show how the scenes unfolded with the pair standing next to trolley full of bottled water at the checkout.

Speaking to the camera, the man says: 'So, we're in Tesco, Rochdale, and for some reason they've got a different policy to every other Tesco up and down the country. Every other Tesco we managed to get these Volvic bottles, as many as we want.

'We're not retailers, we're not wholesalers, we just want them for our home but unfortunately in this Tesco we've been told that we're only allowed ten bottles each.'

A security guard steps in and asks them to stop filming, saying it is forbidden on private property.

The woman tells him: 'At the end of the day, we just wanna buy the water. We buy it in every store.'

A police officer then approaches and asks what the problem is. When he realizes he is being filmed he turns his back to the camera and asks the couple to switch it off - which they do.

But the woman resumes filming moments later as the officer is trying to lead her partner towards the store exit.

He stands his ground and tells the officer: 'I was already walking. You didn't need to escort me. Can you just clarify something for me?'

But the officer refuses to discuss the matter any further and grabs the man.

The footage shows the couple being arrested as customers watch on alarmed.

A spokesperson for Greater Manchester Police said: 'Two people have been charged with assaulting a police officer. 'Nasir Hussain and Mahira Hussain both of Oldham, have been charged with assault of a constable and have been bailed to appear at Manchester and Salford Magistrates' Court on Tuesday 30 October 2018.

'Around 7pm on Tuesday 25 September, while responding to another incident at Tesco on Silk Street, Rochdale, an officer was alerted to a disturbance in the store.

'The officer spoke to both parties involved before asking a man to leave. The officer was assaulted and suffered injuries to his face.'

A Tesco spokesperson said, 'We are aware of the incident at the Rochdale Superstore and will assist with the investigation.'

As of this morning, the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said there had been no referrals to them regarding the incident, while Mr Hussain told MailOnline he intended to file a complaint following his arrest for 'excessive force'.

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