Iran Unveils New Cannon in Military Drill

Iran Unveils New Cannon in Military Drill

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Air Defense unveiled a new 35-millimeter cannon in an ongoing war game on Monday.

During the ‘Velayat’ military exercise that kicked off in Iran on Monday morning, the Air Defense employed the new homegrown cannon coupled with radar.

The artillery system, dubbed ‘Seraj’, involves a 35-mm cannon with modified shells that is equipped with a radar and a brand-new optical system.

Gunners on Monday detonated dummy hostile drones with Seraj cannons in various distances over the sky of the war game’s zone.

The new artillery system is capable of detecting and targeting small flying objects.

Air Defense units from the Iranian Army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) have launched the large-scale joint military exercise in an area of around half a million square kilometers in northern, central and western Iran.

The drill involves tactics to employ command and control systems to detect, track and intercept hostile targets, conducting air defense operations in electronic warfare, using passive aerial detection systems as well as air-based air defense gear including manned and unmanned aircraft, and countering anti-radiation and cruise missiles.

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