Zarif Criticizes Poland for Planning to Host US’ Anti-Iran Conference

Zarif Criticizes Poland for Planning to Host US’ Anti-Iran Conference

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Mohammad Javad Zarif censured Poland for hosting an upcoming anti-Iran conference in Warsaw, saying that the Polish government could not “wash the shame”.

“Reminder to host/participants of anti-Iran conference: those who attended last US anti-Iran show are either dead, disgraced, or marginalized. And Iran is stronger than ever," Zarif said in a message posted on his Twitter account on Friday.

The top Iranian diplomat added, “Polish Govt can't wash the shame: while Iran saved Poles in WWII, it now hosts desperate anti-Iran circus”.

The tweet came after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Fox News in an interview on Friday that Washington will jointly host a global summit focused on Iran and the Middle East in Poland next month.

The international gathering will take place in Warsaw from February 13 to 14, the US State Department said in a statement.

During World War II, up to two million Polish civilians were arrested by the Soviet secret police and deported to Siberia and Kazakhstan. Many did not survive the long journey (lasting many weeks) by cattle train; many more died during their imprisonment.

Many others simply failed to get out after finally being freed from the Soviet gulags. A total of 120,000 Polish people, 3,000 of whom were orphans, escaped from the Soviet Union to Iran, starting a new life in the central province of Isfahan.

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