US Deep State behind Release of Daesh Commanders in Afghanistan: Analyst

US Deep State behind Release of Daesh Commanders in Afghanistan: Analyst

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An American political analyst said the US Deep State actors are behind a recent covert operation to help senior commanders of Daesh (ISIS or ISIL) terrorist group to escape from a Taliban prison in northwest Afghanistan.

“At present, there is an unprecedented war taking place between the very tenuous presidency of Donald Trump and the so-called ‘Deep State’ that is heavily embedded within the US Military, Intelligence Services and media,” Mark Glenn, from Idaho, said in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency.

“…The most likely explanation for this (report on senior Daesh members being released by covert US Forces) is that it is being done via the directives of those aforementioned ‘Deep State’ actors who are furious over Trump’s announcement that the US is pulling out of Syria,” he noted.

Glenn is a writer and co-founder of the Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement, an interfaith forum dedicated to uniting Muslims and Christians against Zionists. He has his own blog The Ugly Truth.

The following is the full text of the interview:

Tasnim: Recent evidence shows that the Daesh (ISIS or ISIL) terrorist group is on the rise in war-torn Afghanistan with the support of the US government. According to Tasnim dispatches, a large number of prisoners, all of whom senior members of Daesh, recently broke out of a Taliban prison in northwest Afghanistan after US troops helped them escape through a covert operation. Given that Daesh has collapsed in Syria and Iraq, what goal is Washington pursuing by transferring the terrorists to Afghanistan and strengthening them?

Glenn: At present, there is an unprecedented war taking place between the very tenuous presidency of Donald Trump and the so-called ‘Deep State’ that is heavily embedded within the US Military, Intelligence Services and media. As much as Trump is determined to remove the possibility of America involving herself in any new military adventures, at the same time, there are the well-resourced efforts of the aforementioned ‘Deep State’ who are as determined to make sure that the momentum that was achieved with 9/11 does not lose its inertia and that America ‘stay the course’ in contravention to what Trump has signaled that he wants.

Having said this then, assuming that the reports of senior Daesh members being released by covert US Forces is accurate, the most likely explanation for this is that it is being done via the directives of those aforementioned ‘Deep State’ actors who are furious over Trump’s announcement that the US is pulling out of Syria.

Tasnim: As you know, some regional countries, including Iran, have been sensitive about the presence of Daesh in Afghanistan due to their national security concerns. How justifiable do you see their concerns?

Glenn: After viewing what these wild animals have done in places such as Libya, Syria, Iraq and elsewhere (including a few isolated incidents within Iran) no responsible government tasked with protecting the security of their own nation can/should underestimate the danger that these feral creatures pose to any country, and especially in the Middle East that--like nowhere else--has been subjected to so much deliberate chaos and instability. After over a century of Western/Zionist meddling, sabotage, subterfuge, war, economic exploitation and the deliberate creating/exacerbating of sectarianism between Sunni and Shia, Arab, Kurd, Persian and Turk, etc., the presence of Daesh and other groups only adds more instability to what is an already unbearably unstable situation.

However, there are also unique possibilities that arise out of the presence of such groups. In Iran particularly, where so much money, resources and efforts have been spent by Western/Zionist interests to tear the otherwise homogenous solidarity of the nation into various sections--Persian/Arab, Sunni/Shia/Christian/Zoroastrian, young/old, rich/poor, etc., the presence of an outside enemy that was/is the product of Western and Zionist skullduggery against Iran affords the leadership class the opportunity of making clear to its people that if Iran’s enemies succeed in dividing her up along sectarian lines that what has happened to other countries will certainly be repeated, and it is in situations like this where ‘differences’ that have been nurtured by those outside forces suddenly lose their importance and where otherwise easily-seduced people --mostly the younger generations--come to grips with the fact that the things they thought were important previously really were not important at all.

Tasnim: Do you think that the Daesh terrorist group would be able to establish a foothold in Afghanistan given the military and financial support it may receive from the US and the West and given the fact that Taliban group is already active there and can encounter it?

Glenn: As much as we would like to entertain notions that somehow Daesh would not succeed in gaining a foothold in places such as Afghanistan due to the opposition of the people there, experience and history, however, tells us otherwise. If the events of the last 7 years have taught us anything, it is that people--like gullible fish--will bite down on any hook put before them, provided that the worm covering the hook is big and inviting. The entire ‘Arab Spring’ phenomenon was from the very beginning a Western/Zionist created ‘movement’ whose intended end result was regime change and to set the region on fire. This fact was obvious to a few--including this author--but despite what were their (our) very vociferous warnings that something rotten was afoot in all of this, these warnings were ignored (at best) or condemned (at worst) and for the simple reason that emotionalism played a bigger role than reason when it came to analyzing and understanding what was taking place. People believed it was real, not because the facts told them so, but rather because they wanted it to be real, and now, as the evidence clearly shows, they and their support (which unlocked and then opened the door for the creation of Daesh) were nothing more than pawns in a Zionist/imperialist chess game, just as were the American people following 9/11 who were told that the ‘clash of civilizations’ which the architects of 9/11 had planned was going to be a ‘cakewalk’ that would be over in a matter of a few weeks or months, given American military might.

Therefore, any notion that somehow Daesh would not succeed in gaining a foothold in Afghanistan is, in my opinion, wishful thinking that can only exist where the terrible history of the last 7 years is either completely ignored or else not afforded the level of importance that is warranted.

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