Top General: Iran Ready to Share Experience in War on Terror with Friends

Top General: Iran Ready to Share Experience in War on Terror with Friends

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri voiced the country’s readiness to provide allies and friends with its valuable experience in the fight against extremism and terrorism.

In an address to a gathering of foreign ambassadors and military attachés in Tehran, Major General Baqeri said the Iranian Armed Forces are ready to boost brotherly ties with all friends and non-hostile nations in the world in the military and defense sphere.

“Our Armed Forces are prepared to promote cooperation and interaction with friendly and Muslim countries with an interactive and convergent approach in the training and scientific areas and in the exchange of military experiences at the strategic and tactical levels,” the top general said.

Iran is ready to provide its “huge experience in the fight against terrorism and extremism” to friendly countries, he stated.

Highlighting Iran’s contribution to the war against terrorism in the Middle East, Major General Baqeri said Iran “mobilized its capacities for fighting terrorism in the battlefield and for battling with the unthinkable crimes of Daesh (ISIL)” when the Middle East was gripped by a series of security crises.

“With its advisory presence in the battlefields of Iraq and Syria and by offering martyrs, Iran did a great favor to security of people in West Asia, and even to security of humanity,” the general said.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran managed to break the back of Daesh by standing by the armed forces of Iraq and Syria and prevent their (terrorists’) spillover to other counties, even to Europe,” Major General Baqeri went on to say.

He reiterated that Iran’s military doctrine is based upon defense, saying all activities of Iran over the past 40 years have been in line with legitimate defense and maintaining active deterrence in the face of threats.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei has reiterated on various occasions that Iran’s defense capabilities and power are not subject to negotiations.

In November 2018, Ayatollah Khamenei said that Iran’s enhanced military preparedness would frighten the foes and be deterrent against the enemies, underlining, “The Islamic Republic is not intending to begin a war against anyone, but you (the Iranian military forces) should boost your capabilities in such a way that not only the enemy would be fearful and afraid of attacking Iran, but also thanks to the solidarity, might, and effective presence of the Armed Forces, the specter of threats against the Iranian nation would be swept away.”

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