Video Shows How Strong Winds Causes British Airways Flight to Shake And Divert

Video Shows How Strong Winds Causes British Airways Flight to Shake And Divert

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A video revealed how an airplane buffeted by high winds and was forced to divert from its planned course after encountering strong gusts off the coast of southern Europe on Monday.

Flight BA492 was scheduled to take off from London Heathrow airport at 8:25 a.m. and land in Gibraltar at 12:20 p.m.

However, it eventually touched down at 12:41 p.m. in the southern Spanish city of Malaga after strong winds prevented it from landing in its intended destination.

Video footage of the incident, which contains some strong language, shows the plane see-sawing from side to side as it struggles against the wind.

It was filmed by Richard Whalley, who told CNN: "I work in the port, it's closed due to the high winds so was just in my office. (I) heard loud engine noises so looked out and saw the plane doing funny maneuvers."

British Airways told CNN that passengers left the flight normally and the company was arranging ground transport so that they can continue their journey to Gibraltar.

The plane involved in Monday's incident is an Airbus A320 which has a capacity of 100-240 passengers, according to the company.

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