Iran Urges Pakistan to Do More to Secure Common Border

Iran Urges Pakistan to Do More to Secure Common Border

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Ali Akbar Velayati, an adviser to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in international affairs, urged Pakistan to do more to ensure the security of the border areas between the two countries.

“Relations between Iran and Pakistan are brotherly, good and constructive,” Velayati said in a meeting with Pakistan’s Minister for Railways Sheikh Rasheed in Tehran on Thursday, adding that promotion of economic cooperation and establishment of a railroad line linking Iran, Pakistan and China could further strengthen the ties.

However, he said, incidents like a recent attack on Iranian forces by terrorists who entered Iran’s Sistan and Balouchestan province from Pakistan do harm to the relations.

The Pakistani government should not allow other countries like Saudi Arabia and the Zionists to undermine Tehran-Islamabad ties and foment crises along the common border, Velayati added.

He said the terrorist groups that recently killed a number of Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) forces in Sistan and Balouchestan receive equipment and financial support from Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Velayati called on Pakistan to make more efforts to ensure the security of the common border and put an end to terrorist attacks against Iran by groups based in Pakistan.

Rasheed in this meeting handed over to Velayati a written joint message by Pakistan’s President Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.

He hoped for the development of bilateral ties between Tehran and Islamabad and underlined that Imran Khan is willing to enhance Pakistan’s relations with all countries, including the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Last month, a bus carrying IRGC personnel was traveling between the cities of Zahedan and Khash, in Sistan and Balouchestan, when it was targeted in a suicide car bomb attack.

Twenty-seven IRGC members were killed and 13 others injured in the February 13 attack, claimed by the so-called Jaish ul-Adl terrorist group based in Pakistan.

Iranian military forces along the southeastern border areas are frequently attacked by terrorist groups coming from Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Tehran has frequently asked the two neighbors to step up security at the common border to prevent terrorist attacks on Iranian forces.

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