Syria Slams US Senator over Golan Heights Comments

Syria Slams US Senator over Golan Heights Comments

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Syrian government condemned a statement by a US senator that the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights should remain “forever” under the control of the Zionist regime.

Lindsey Graham, a Washington ally of US President Donald Trump and a strong backer of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, toured the Golan Heights with the Israeli premiere Monday.

He said the idea of the strategic plateau going to any party other than Israel was “off the table,” vowing to work to have the United States recognize the Golan as “part of Israel now and forever.”

The Syrian Foreign Ministry called Graham’s comments “arrogant,” stressing that Israeli occupation will eventually end, the Daily Star reported.

The ministry’s statement Tuesday said that according to the United Nations, the Golan Heights are considered Syrian occupied lands.

In November, the United States voted for the first time against an annual UN resolution condemning Israel’s occupation of the Golan.

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