US, Israel Seeking to ‘Steal’ Arab Lands, Zarif Warns

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian foreign minister called on Muslim nations to maintain their unity, warning that US President Donald Trump’s “lawless” recognition of Syria’s occupied Golan and Washington and Tel Aviv’s handshake offers are aimed at stealing the land of Arab nations.

“Trump’s lawless announcement on "Occupied Syrian Golan" after last year’s on "Occupied Al-Quds" is a sobering reminder for our Arab and Muslim brethren: US & Israel will offer you handshakes, but no matter how much you kowtow, they will still steal your lands. #LetUsUnite,” Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted late on Thursday.  

It came after Trump signed a proclamation Monday in which the United States recognized Israel’s “sovereignty” over the strategic plateau, despite UN resolutions that call for Israel’s withdrawal from the Golan.

Three Security Council resolutions call on Israel to withdraw from the Golan Heights.

The United States came under sharp criticism from 14 other UN Security Council nations on Wednesday for the decision.

Speaker after speaker at the council session supported Syria's sovereignty over the Golan Heights and opposed Israel's occupation after Trump's proclamation.

Russia urged governments to continue to view the Golan Heights as Israeli-occupied territory.

"If anybody feels any temptation to follow this poor example, we would urge them to refrain from this aggressive revision of international law," Russia's Deputy Ambassador Vladimir Safronkov said.

France warned any attempt to turn away from international law was "doomed to fail", as the United States prepares to unveil its so-called Middle East peace proposals.

China, meanwhile, recalled UN resolutions declare the Golan as a territory occupied by Israel, with Deputy Ambassador Wu Haitao adding, "China is opposed to any unilateral action that attempts to alter that fact."