US Blasted at UN for Recognizing Israeli ‘Sovereignty’ over Syria’s Golan

US Blasted at UN for Recognizing Israeli ‘Sovereignty’ over Syria’s Golan

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The United States came under sharp criticism from 14 other UN Security Council nations for its decision to recognize what president Donald Trump recently described as “Israel's sovereignty” over Syria’s Golan Heights in violation of international law.

The Security Council met on Wednesday at the request of Syria, which in a letter to the council called the American move a "flagrant violation" of UN resolutions, Al Jazeera reported.

Trump signed a proclamation Monday in which the United States recognized Israel's annexation of the strategic plateau that it occupied in 1967.

Speaker after speaker at the council session supported Syria's sovereignty over the Golan Heights and opposed Israel's occupation after Trump's proclamation.

Syria's ambassador to the United Nations lashed out at the decision, describing it as part of a “criminal project” aimed at prolonging chaos and destruction in the region.

“This is a criminal project or plan for which the US government and its allies have used all tools at their disposal,” Bashar Jaafari said, adding that the plan is aimed at guaranteeing chaos and destruction in the region, and dividing the people of the region on religious and ethnic basis in order to “build a new reality”.

South Africa's UN Ambassador Jerry Matjila said, “This unilateral action does nothing to assist in finding a long-term peaceful solution to the conflict in the Middle East”.

Russia urged governments to continue to view the Golan Heights as Israeli-occupied territory.

"If anybody feels any temptation to follow this poor example, we would urge them to refrain from this aggressive revision of international law," Russia's Deputy Ambassador Vladimir Safronkov said.

France warned any attempt to turn away from international law was "doomed to fail", as the United States prepares to unveil its so-called Middle East peace proposals.

Three Security Council resolutions call on Israel to withdraw from the Golan Heights.

The United States defended its decision, claiming the recognition “bolstered Israel's security and could contribute to the stability of the entire Middle East”.

China, meanwhile, recalled UN resolutions declare the Golan as a territory occupied by Israel, with Deputy Ambassador Wu Haitao adding, "China is opposed to any unilateral action that attempts to alter that fact."

UN Undersecretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo expressed hope "the recent developments will not be used as an excuse by anyone to pursue actions that could undermine the relative stability of the situation on Golan and beyond".

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