Iran Constantly Countering Terror Teams at Border: Minister

Iran Constantly Countering Terror Teams at Border: Minister

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s intelligence minister said his forces are in a constant battle against hostile groups and arrest various terrorist teams at the country’s border every week.

Speaking in a gathering of clerics in the city of Qom on Thursday, Mahmoud Alawi said experts and professional teams from the Intelligence Ministry are detecting and disbanding various terrorist teams along the country’s major border areas on a weekly basis.

Receiving great financial support from Saudi Arabia, the terrorist groups attempt to cross the borders using different methods, he added.

The minister also said that the security forces arrested a 4-strong team of terrorists amid the recent floods in Iran, saying thousands of cartridges have been confiscated in the operation.

In comments in April, Alawi said the intelligence forces identified and disbanded 114 Takfiri terrorist teams during the previous Iranian calendar year (March 21, 2018 – March 20, 2019).

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