Large Protest Held in Dublin against Trump’s Visit (+Video)

Large Protest Held in Dublin against Trump’s Visit (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Thousands of people protested against the visit of US President Donald Trump in Dublin on Thursday evening.

The large-scale protest against Trump's visit to Ireland was held in downtown Dublin, drawing nearly ten thousand participants, said eyewitnesses, Xinhua reported.

A six-meter-tall blimp depicting Trump as a baby was flown over the protest venue which lies just a few hundred meters away from O'Connell Street, the city's main thoroughfare.

Thousands of people gathered beneath the huge blimp, waving placards and shouting slogans against Trump over a variety of issues ranging from climate change and immigration to racism and misogyny.

A group of protesters also carried a banner demanding the US military out of Shannon Airport where Trump's Air Force One landed him there on Wednesday afternoon for his first visit to Ireland as the US president.

Representatives from different social groups, political parties and anti-Trump campaigns addressed the participants at the protest venue.

After the rally, protesters marched down O'Connell Street. They chanted "Donald Trump go away" and "Hear it loud and hear it clear, Donald Trump not welcome here", according to local media reports.


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