Iran Sympathizes with Russia over Submarine Incident

Iran Sympathizes with Russia over Submarine Incident

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman expressed condolences to Russia over deaths in a fire that broke out on one of the Russian Navy's deep-sea research submersibles.

In a statement on Wednesday, Abbas Mousavi offered condolences to the Russian nation and government, particularly the families of the victims, over the tragic incident.

The Russian Defense Ministry said a fire aboard the research submersible has killed 14 crew members.

The crew was poisoned by fumes as the vessel was taking measurements in Russian territorial waters on Monday.

The ministry gave no details about the type of vessel. But Russian media reports say it was a nuclear mini-submarine used for special operations.

The fire was later put out and the vessel is now at Severomorsk, the main base of the Russian Northern Fleet.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has described the incident as a big loss for the Russian Navy, and expressed "sincere condolences" to the victims' families.

Seven captains and two service personnel awarded Russia's highest honorary title, Hero of the Russian Federation, were among those who died on board the vessel, the president said.

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