Germany Once Again Says Will Not Join US-Led Mission in Hormuz

Germany Once Again Says Will Not Join US-Led Mission in Hormuz

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas once again reiterated that Berlin would not join a US-led naval mission in the Strait of Hormuz.

“At the moment the Britons would rather join an American mission. We won’t do that,” Maas told reporters on Monday, Reuters reported.

“We want a European mission,” he said, adding that the issue was not off the agenda but it would take time to convince the European Union to carry out such a mission.

The US Embassy in Berlin said on last Tuesday the United States had asked Germany to join France and Britain in a mission to supposedly protect shipping through the strait Germany rejected the request at the time.

Washington has lately adopted a quasi-warlike posture against Tehran, and intensified its provocative military moves in the Middle East, among them the June 20 incursion of advanced US-made RQ-4 Global Hawk into Iranian airspace over territorial waters off the coastal province of Hormozgan.

The UK has also joined the US in fueling tensions with Iran by seizing an Iranian-owned supertanker in the Strait of Gibraltar on July 4 in an apparent act of “maritime piracy.” 

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