US’ Maximum Pressure Policy Defeated by Iran’s Resistance Strategy: Shamkhani

US’ Maximum Pressure Policy Defeated by Iran’s Resistance Strategy: Shamkhani

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani highlighted the ineffectiveness of US sanctions against the Islamic Republic and said Washington’s policy of “maximum pressure” has been defeated by Iran’s strategy of active resistance.

“The US policy of maximum pressure, which was followed by false assumptions about the collapse of Iran’s national economy, kneeled down in the face of (Iran’s) strategy of active resistance,” Shamkhani said at a meeting with members of a parliamentary faction tasked with counteracting US sanctions in Tehran on Saturday.

He further emphasized that the Western media has mounted “a fierce perception war” to support the US policy of maximum pressure against Iran.

“Despite suffering heavy economic pressures, the resilient people of Iran, because of their awareness, insight, and wisdom, were not defeated by this war and shattered the enemy’s hopes to achieve its goals,” the official added.

“The resistance leads to success when it is accompanied by an approach of continuous activity and mobility, which can be considered an effective step in the path of continuing the strategy of active resistance,” Shamkhani went on to say.

The remarks come against the backdrop of increased tensions between Iran and the US with Washington imposing new sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

The US has ratcheted up pressure on Iran since last year after withdrawing from the 2015 nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Since then, the administration of US President Donald Trump is trying to reduce Iran’s oil exports to “zero,” and has sent an aircraft carrier strike group, a bomber squad, an amphibious assault ship, and a Patriot missile battery to the Middle East to try to stack up pressure on Tehran.

Iranian officials, however, have dismissed such moves as psychological warfare, saying the country has its own ways of circumventing the American bans and selling crude oil.

In comments on April 24, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said the US’ attempts to block the export of Iranian oil will get nowhere as Tehran will be exporting any amount of crude it needs and wants.

Describing a cut in Iran’s reliance on the export of oil as an opportunity, the Leader said such an opportunity will be used for further reliance on internal capabilities.

“Although the sanctions pave the way for problems in certain cases, they will benefit the country if they are dealt with correctly and logically,” Ayatollah Khamenei said at the time.


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