Iran Invited to South-South Summit in Uganda

Iran Invited to South-South Summit in Uganda

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – President of Uganda has invited his Iranian counterpart to take part in the next South-South Summit in the African country.

Prime Minister of Uganda Ruhakana Rugunda held a meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on the sidelines of the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Thursday.

In the meeting, Rugunda conveyed a message from President of Uganda Yoweri Museveni, inviting President Rouhani to the coming South-South Summit in the East African nation.

The Ugandan premier also welcomed President Rouhani’s HOPE initiative that was put forward in the UN General Assembly, emphasizing that his country was determined to develop relations with Iran.

For his part, Rouhani highlighted the good relations and cooperation between Thera and Kampala in various fields, calling for the promotion of relations.

The Iranian president also referred to the importance of banking relations, describing the ties as a very important step for development of economic cooperation.

On the Hormuz Peace Endeavour (HOPE) initiative, Rouhani said, “It will be hard to expect a serious change in the current conditions of the region until the Americans do not reach the conclusion that war in Yemen and supporting Saudi Arabia and Emirates is fruitless.”

He also decried the Zionist Regime’s continuous acts of aggression against people of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and recently southern Iraq, adding, “If they want to respond to these daily attacks, we will witness new conflicts in this region.”

The Iranian president returned to Tehran on Friday after meeting several world leaders on the sidelines of the 74th annual session of the UNGA and giving a speech to the international meeting.


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