IRGC Navy Saves Iranian Fishermen from Storm

IRGC Navy Saves Iranian Fishermen from Storm

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy saved more than 350 Iranian fishermen from a violent storm in the Persian Gulf waters.

The IRGC Navy said in a statement that its commandoes serving at the Aba Abdallah al-Hussein rapid reaction brigade saved the lives of more than 350 local fishermen in a storm near the southern island of Farur on Sunday evening.

During the rescue operations that took three hours, the naval forces saved 102 fishing boats from sinking and relocated the survivors to the Farur island.

When the storm blew over in early morning, the saved fishermen were transferred to their homes in Bandar Lengeh, Bandar-e-Shenas, Bustaneh and nearby coastal villages.

A local union of fishermen has issued a statement, expressing gratitude to the IRGC Navy for the courageous operation and saving the sailors stranded by the storm.

Iran’s Navy is in charge of protecting Iran’s southern territorial waters in the Sea of Oman, while the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is tasked with ensuring security of the Persian Gulf.

In addition to the routine military operations, the IRGC has launched widespread plans for the development of the coastal areas.

The IRGC offers health and social services for the local villagers in southern Iran.

The IRGC Navy also patrols the southern waters to combat smuggling or violations of fishing rules that may threaten the livelihood of local fishermen.

In September, the IRGC Navy impounded seven fishing boats in Iran’s southern waters for violating regulations and using trolling method of fishing.

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