Pakistan’s Embassy in Iran Observes Black Day in Support of Kashmir

Pakistan’s Embassy in Iran Observes Black Day in Support of Kashmir

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A Pakistani international school, Pakistan Embassy International School and College Tehran, observed a black day to show solidarity with people in the Indian-administered Kashmir.

Parents, teachers, students and officials from the Pakistani embassy participated in the event to express solidarity with the oppressed people of Kashmir.

Pakistan observes black day on October 27 every year, a day when India, according to Islamabad, ignored the British partition plan and occupied the disputed territory in 1947.

Messages of the president and prime minister of Pakistan were also read out at the event.

Students from class KG to A' Level presented speeches, poems, songs and dialogue to highlight the history of  Kashmir issue, inhumane attitude of Indian forces against innocent Kashmiris and described the worries, pain, hardships and suppression of Kashmiri men, women and children at the hands of  Indian forces.

The Pakistani envoy to Iran reiterated Pakistan's support with Kashmiris in their indigenous freedom struggle and stressed for resolution of Kashmir issue in accordance with the UN resolutions and to the aspirations of the Kashmiris.

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