Iran Deplores UNSC Failure to Enforce Resolutions on Palestine

Iran Deplores UNSC Failure to Enforce Resolutions on Palestine

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iran’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations decried the UN Security Council’s failure to carry out at least 365 resolutions adopted on the issue of Palestine under pressure from the Zionist regime of Israel.

In an address to a UN Security Council meeting on the Middle East on Monday, Eshaq Al-e Habib, associating himself with the Non‑Aligned Movement (NAM) and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), said none of the 365 Security Council resolutions adopted on the Palestinian issue has been implemented.

“Rather, the Israeli regime has continued, with total impunity, to pursue its illegal policies and brutal practices,” he deplored.

The Iranian envoy also lashed out at Israel for systematic commission of all four core international crimes, saying the Zionist regime has waged over 15 wars, invaded all of its neighbors, and conducts aggressions against countries across the region.

Meanwhile, Israel is developing weapons of mass destruction, refuses to join any related treaties and has brazenly threatened a country of the region with nuclear annihilation, Al-e Habib added.

Moreover, the Israeli forces continue to brutally kill innocent Palestinians, having wounded more than 31,000 during the Great March of Return, the UN website quoted him as saying.

The actions of that “outlaw regime” have serious impacts on international instruments and institutions, and gravely erode the credibility of the United Nations, Al-e Habib added.

“To preserve international peace and security, no nation must be left unheard, unnoticed, unattended, frustrated and despaired,” the Iranian envoy stressed, calling on the UN Security Council to live up to its responsibilities.

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