Trump’s Remarks Show True Face of US: Iran’s Larijani

Trump’s Remarks Show True Face of US: Iran’s Larijani

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said recent remarks of US President Donald Trump about American oil interests in the Middle East and his lack of interest in regional peace show the true face of the Washington government.

“Fortunately, today the US has a president who has made it easy for all to see the true face of the White House's policies,” Larijani said, addressing an open session of the parliament on Sunday.  

“Expressing the most secret policies of the US clearly is among Trump’s characteristics,” he said, adding, “Recently, when he announced the death of the Daesh terrorist group’s leader, he (Trump) said they are only looking for Syrian oil, and the US military is leaving soldiers only in the oil-rich areas of Syria, and if anyone wants to go there, the US military will fight it.”

Trump has explicitly said that what matters to the US is oil and the war between Turks and Kurds does not matter, Larijani went on to say.

Last Sunday, while announcing the death of Daesh leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Trump said, “We are leaving soldiers to secure the oil.”

“And we may have to fight for the oil. It’s OK. Maybe somebody else wants the oil, in which case they have a hell of a fight. But there's massive amounts of oil,” he told reporters.

 Conflicts erupted in Syria back in 2011, when a small group of opposition forces took up arms against Damascus.

Soon, however, a mix of international terrorists and paid mercenaries mingled with and then largely sidestepped the armed Syrian opposition groups, effectively turning the Arab country into a battlefield for foreign governments opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

But the Syrian military, with advisory military help from Iran and Russia — and a Russian aerial bombardment campaign — has retaken control of much of the country, and the conflict is generally believed to be winding down.

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