Iran Warns of US Plot to Control Syria’s Oil

Iran Warns of US Plot to Control Syria’s Oil

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani lashed out at the US government for its attempts to gain control of Syria’s oil resources, calling for closer cooperation among Iran, Turkey and Syria to implement the Astana Peace Process.

In a meeting with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of the KL Summit 2019 in Malaysia on Thursday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani expressed concern about the continued presence of American forces in Syria and the US attempts to take control of Syria’s oil resources.

Calling for closer cooperation among Iran, Turkey and the Syrian government, Rouhani stressed the need for interaction with the Damascus government to facilitate the withdrawal of terrorist groups from Idlib and restore calm in the Arab country.

Elsewhere in the meeting, the two presidents hailed the Malaysian prime minister’s initiative to bring the heads of a number of Muslim states together at a summit in Kuala Lumpur for addressing the Islamic world’s problems.

They also talked about the regional issues, particularly the course of developments in Syria, and called for cooperation between Tehran and Ankara within the framework of the Astana Process.

Rouhani and Erdogan also reviewed the latest situation of relations between Iran and Turkey, and urged efforts to enhance the bilateral ties in various fields, including the energy industry, transportation, trade and banking sector.

It was also decided that the special envoys of the two presidents would pursue the agreements reached at the meeting and carry out the agreements made at Iran-Turkey Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation.

The two presidents also decided to hold the next session of Supreme Council of Iran-Turkey Economic Coordination in Tehran in spring, to be chaired by the presidents and attended by the cabinet members of the two neighbors.


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