Massive Fire Erupts in Russian Petrochemical Plant (+Video)

Massive Fire Erupts in Russian Petrochemical Plant (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Videos on social media showing a petrochemical plant in Russia’s Ufa being slowly consumed by flames as fire rips through the industrial building.

A massive inferno erupted in the early hours of the morning at a petrochemical plant in Ufa, prompting the authorities to scramble dozens of firefighters, fire engines and even a special train to put the blaze out, RT reported.

The incident happened when a flammable liquid caught fire at the Neftekhim plant in Russia’s Republic of Bashkortostan on Sunday morning. The blaze quickly spread through the three-story building before the fire alarm went off.

A local branch of the Emergencies Ministry dispatched 135 firefighters and 45 engines to deal with the blaze. Soon afterwards, a firefighting train carrying 340 tons of water arrived to reinforce the operation.

The fire was put out in several hours with no injuries reported. The air is being checked for hazardous particles that could have been released during the incident.

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