Iran Warns US of ‘Dangerous Response’ to Any New Mistake

Iran Warns US of ‘Dangerous Response’ to Any New Mistake

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned the US that it will be given a “very dangerous response” if it makes another mistake, a day after the Islamic Republic launched retaliatory missile attacks on US military bases in Iraq.

Speaking with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson in a telephone conversation on Thursday, Rouhani said the recent Iranian missile attacks on US bases in Iraq, carried out in retaliation for the American assassination of senior commander Lt. General Qassem Soleimani, was in compliance with Article 51 of the UN Charter and with the right of self-defense.

“If the US makes another mistake, it will receive a very dangerous response,” Rouhani warned.

The president also denounced the comments from a number of British officials about the American assassination of General Soleimani in Iraq, and urged the UK authorities to reconsider their stances.

“Undoubtedly, without martyr Soleimani’s efforts, you wouldn’t have had calm in London today,” Rouhani told Johnson.

Hailing the late Iranian commander as a popular figure in the region and a hero of the fight against terrorism, he said the US government’s terrorist activities have posed a serious threat to regional security.

The president also emphasized that regional security must be ensured by regional countries. “The Americans and the White House have no understanding of the region and recognized what a mistake they have made after their terrorist measure and following the uprising of regional nations and the unity that was created.”

The recent insecurity is completely rooted in the US withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Rouhani said, adding, “This terrorist action by the US was taken in contravention of all international regulations. They (Americans) have imposed sanctions even on medicine and foodstuff for the people for two years, and committed a big crime by assassinating General Soleimani.”

He also reiterated that Iran will return to its JCPOA commitments as soon as the European parties fulfill theirs.

“Tehran is still committed to cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the agency will be monitoring Iran’s nuclear activities like the past,” Rouhani concluded.

For his part, Johnson expressed sympathy with Iran over a series of tragic incidents that have occurred in recent days.

He also voiced concern about escalating insecurity in the region and about the safety of British troops, asking all parties to exercise self-restraint.

Stressing the need to improve the ties between London and Tehran, Johnson said saving the JCPOA would greatly contribute to international security.

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