WHO Confident of Iran’s Victory over Coronavirus

WHO Confident of Iran’s Victory over Coronavirus

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The World Health Organization representative expressed confidence that Iran will overcome the COVID-19 outbreak, saying the Islamic Republic has great capabilities to contain contagious diseases.

A delegation of WHO experts paid a visit to a dormitory of the Basij Organization of Iranian Medical Society on Tuesday morning to make sure that Iran is offering the highest-level services to control the novel coronavirus.

During the visit, the WHO representative stressed that Iran is fully prepared to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and expressed confidence that the Islamic Republic will manage to contain the coronavirus.

Describing close cooperation between people and the organizations in charge as the key to controlling contagious diseases, the WHO envoy said such coordination fortunately exists in Iran clearly.

Iran has considerable capabilities to contain various diseases, particularly contagious ones, the WHO representative said, adding that the country has already demonstrated such power at the time of crises and natural disasters.

On Sunday, Richard Brennan, who is heading a WHO delegation in a visit to Iran, held a meeting with the governor of the province of Qom, where the first case of coronavirus in Iran was detected.

In that meeting, Brennan praised the province’s “serious efforts” to contain the disease, saying the Iranian government is fighting against coronavirus in a responsible manner.

The Iranian Health Ministry said on Monday that since the outbreak of the new coronavirus in the country, 2,394 patients have completely recovered from the infectious disease.

The total number of coronavirus cases in the country has increased by 595, reaching 7,161.

Authorities say the death toll from the new coronavirus epidemic in Iran has risen to 237.

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