China Sends More Medical Experts to Assist Iran in Combating Coronavirus

China Sends More Medical Experts to Assist Iran in Combating Coronavirus

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Two more voluntary experts sent by the Red Cross Society of China left for Iran Saturday night to help it fight the novel coronavirus outbreak, sources from the Red Cross Society of Anhui Province said.

The two medical experts from the First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, the provincial capital of Anhui, will take a flight of Iran's Mahan Air from Guangzhou to Teheran.

They will join five other Chinese voluntary experts that have been working in Iran since Feb. 29. They plan to stay there until March 29, Xinhua reported.

"We will use the experience of China to treat patients in Iran and do our part in Iran's fight against the novel coronavirus," said Wang Dongsheng, one of the two experts. He had worked in Wuhan, epicenter of the outbreak in central China's Hubei Province.

Iran’s administration recently extended the closure of all schools and universities nationwide until the end of the current Iranian year (March 19) as the country is struggling with the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.

First detected in Wuhan city in central China in December, the virus has spread to more than 120 countries.

Medical staffs in all 31 provinces of Iran have been working tirelessly over the past weeks to contain the novel coronavirus.

Iranian Health Ministry Spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour said Saturday the new coronavirus has claimed 97 lives in the past 24 hours, taking the overall death toll to 611.

Jahanpour added that 1,365 fresh cases have been added to the number of the confirmed infections during the period, bringing the total to 12,729.

More than 4,300 of those with confirmed infections have recovered so far, he added.

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