Top General Thanks Iran’s Medical Society, Armed Forces for Coronavirus Fight

Top General Thanks Iran’s Medical Society, Armed Forces for Coronavirus Fight

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri commended the country’s medical staff and military units for their dedication to the job in the battle with the coronavirus pandemic.

In a message on Monday, Major General Baqeri said while the outbreak of COVID-19 has taken the lives of a number of people in Iran, the devotion to duty shown by the medical personnel and the Armed Forces has evoked memories of the great sacrifices that soldiers were making during the Iraqi imposed war in the 1980s, known as the Sacred Defense.

The men and women in white coasts working in Iran’s health sector have been making tireless efforts day and night to save the lives of people amid the outbreak of the coronavirus, the senior commander noted, saying the nationwide battle has been strengthened by the presence of medical units of the Armed Forces, namely the Army, IRGC, Defense Ministry, Police and Basij that have mobilized all capacities in various fields to serve the society.

The military forces have played a significant role in the fight against the coronavirus by disinfecting public places, screening people, producing various medical supplies, setting up hospitals and convalescent homes and providing a range of health services, the commander stated.

Major General Baqeri said there remains much to do to get rid of the virus and return to normal situation, stressing the need to comply with the decisions made by the Coronavirus Fight National Headquarters.

The Armed Forces will spare no efforts to help the medical staff and will stand by the country’s health society in protecting the lives of people, the general concluded.

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