IRGC Releases Footage of Encounter with US Warships in Persian Gulf (+Video)

IRGC Releases Footage of Encounter with US Warships in Persian Gulf (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) released a video on Sunday of warning off a flotilla of US warships in the Persian Gulf as they try to approach the Iranian territorial waters.

The IRGC Navy issued a statement on Sunday in response to recent claims by the US navy that 11 Iranian ships repeatedly came close to American military vessels in “dangerous and harassing approaches” in the Persian Gulf.

It said that a fleet of 11 boats encountered the US warships which repeatedly ignored warnings issued by the IRGC, advising the US “to obey International Law of the Sea and the maritime protocols when navigating in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman and to refrain from any false or misleading adventures and narratives.”

“As has been said time and again, it is emphasized [once more] that the illegal presence of US terrorist regime is the (main) source and origin of mischief and insecurity in the region and the sole way to establish sustainable security in this region is the withdrawal of Americans from West Asia,” the statement read.

The IRGC advised the US to respect the international maritime protocols in the Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman, avoid adventurism and fake stories, and be aware that Iran’s military forces consider dangerous moves from outsiders as a red line and a threat to the country’s national security.

Warning the US of Iran’s “decisive response” to any miscalculation, the IRGC Navy said, “The illegitimate presence of the terrorist US regime is the root cause of evil and insecurity in the region, and the only way to strengthen sustainable security in this strategic region is for the Americans to withdraw from West Asia.”

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