Protesters Denounce Israel's Annexation Plans outside Kushner's House (+Video)

Protesters Denounce Israel's Annexation Plans outside Kushner's House (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Protesters gathered outside Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner's home in Washington, DC, to decry Israeli occupation of the West Bank, but the First Daughter and her family were not there.

Demonstrators with IfNotNow, a progressive American Jewish group that opposes Israel's occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, wore masks as they rallied outside the couple's lavish home Kalorama on Tuesday afternoon.

'This morning we are going to his house to wake him up. We’re protesting the government’s plan to annex the West Bank,' a protester said in video of the event.

Signs in black and orange said 'Jared Kushner Enables Aparthied' and 'End the Blank Check' and 'American Jews say Defund Annexation'.

Speakers were seen leading chants through megaphones as several dozen people supported the cause.

'We are demanding that Jared Kushner wake up to the harmful policies that are perpetuating annexation, permanent occupation and continued violation of Palestinian human rights,' a protester said in live video of the demonstration shared to Facebook.

The group walked down the street singing songs as they held up their signs and demanded change.

'Did you know the US provides $3.8billion a year to Israel, no conditions. It’s time to put our money where our mouth is. If you oppose annexation, there must be consequences. It’s time to leverage those dollars to prevent the continuing and deepening of the occupation,' one speaker said in a megaphone at the protest.

US President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner has been spearheading talks with Israel which are currently debating whether to support the planned annexation of the territory. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has proposed to annex a large portion of the West Bank. Netanyahu has set a deadline to begin the process for July 1st, but it has thus far been delayed.

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