Normalization of Bahrain-Israel Ties Draws Iran’s Condemnation

Normalization of Bahrain-Israel Ties Draws Iran’s Condemnation

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry roundly condemned the announcement of plans for the normalization of relations between Bahrain and the Zionist regime of Israel in a US-brokered deal.

In a statement released on Saturday, the Iranian Foreign Ministry vehemently condemned the announcement of establishment of diplomatic relations between Bahrain and the Zionist regime as a shameful and ignominious measure by Bahrain that would sacrifice the cause of Palestine, decades of struggles, and the Palestinian people’s fortitude against miseries and sufferings for the US election.

“Undoubtedly, the oppressed and right-seeking people of Palestine and the free Muslims in the world will never approve of normalization of relations with the usurping and lawless Israeli regime, and such a shameful measure will remain in the historical memory of the oppressed and downtrodden people of Palestine and the world’s free nations forever,” the statement said.

“Instead of gaining legitimacy from its people, the government of Bahrain has unfortunately turned its back on them in a fundamental mistake, sought the Quds-occupying regime’s shelter, and sacrificed the cause of honorable Palestine for the domestic US election.

“From now on, the Bahraini rulers will be an accomplice in the crimes committed by the Zionist regime as the constant source of threat to security in the region and the Muslim world and as the root cause of decades of violence, massacre, wars, terror and bloodshed in oppressed Palestine and the region,” the statement underlined.

“The Bahraini government’s move will definitely result only in escalating anger and perpetual hatred among the oppressed people of Palestine, Muslims and the world’s free nations,” it added.

The statement also warned against any act by the Zionist regime creating insecurity in the Persian Gulf region, saying the Bahraini government and other supporting governments would be held accountable for all consequences of any action in this regard.

US President Donald Trump announced on Friday that Bahrain and the Israeli regime will normalize ties in a US-brokered deal.

Last month, the United Arab Emirates agreed to normalize ties with Israel under a US-brokered deal scheduled to be signed by Trump, who is seeking re-election on November 3.

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