French Police Detain 47-Year-Old Man in Nice Terror Attack Probe

French Police Detain 47-Year-Old Man in Nice Terror Attack Probe

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The French police have apprehended a man, 47, as part of the investigation into the terror attack in Nice on October 29, BFM TV reported Friday, citing a police source.

According to the channel, the man was pulled in Thursday evening. He is suspected of contacting the man who attacked people in Nice’s Notre Dame Basilica a day before the attack. There is no other information about the man, TASS reported.

On October 29, France’s Nice was rocked by a violent attack as a man armed with a knife stabbed people in the Notre Dame Basilica.

Three people were killed in the attack, while the attacker was detained. The French national counterterrorism office is now involved in the investigation.

Eric Ciotti, member of the French National Assembly, informed that the criminal arrived in France from Tunisia recently.

Two hours after the Nice attack, another criminal threatened passers-by with a knife in Avignon; he was shot dead when attempting to attack a police patrol. Moreover, the same day saw a local in the Saudi city of Jeddah wound a guard of the French consulate; the police apprehended him at the site.

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