China Urges New US Admin to Return to JCPOA, Resume Compliance ASAP

China Urges New US Admin to Return to JCPOA, Resume Compliance ASAP

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian called on the new US administration to return to the 2015 nuclear deal and “resume compliance as soon as possible and unconditionally”.

“We hope that the new US administration will return to the JCPOA and resume compliance as soon as possible and unconditionally, lift all relevant sanctions, take concrete actions to fulfill its duties, and advance the process of political settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue and safeguard regional peace and stability,” Zhao said at a press briefing on Wednesday.

The remarks came in reaction to Monday comments by Jake Sullivan, US President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee for national security adviser.

Sullivan said that the incoming administration wants to put Iran "back into the box" by rejoining the nuclear deal and forcing Tehran to comply with the terms of the agreement, which would lay the groundwork for a "follow-on negotiation" on broader issues.

In 2018, the US administration of Donald Trump quit the JCPOA, which was clinched between Iran and world powers, and returned its unilateral sanctions that had been lifted as per the accord.

Under its “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran, the US also prodded other signatories into falling into line and stopping trade with Tehran or face Washington’s punitive sanctions.

Although the US officially said that it had left the JCPOA, and was no longer a party to the agreement, it pointed the finger of blame at Iran, accusing the country of failing to keep its side of the bargain, in blatant disregard for numerous reports by the UN nuclear agency that verified Tehran’s compliance.

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